Wednesday 21 May 2008

super cool wordpress blog design

Found this website today thanks to technorati, its just been launched on a wordpress platform, and looks great - a custom theme design, a really clean, clear look with fixed width, minimal graphics, a 5 col footer and 2/3 column layout. Love the auto stretching 2 col parts of the sidebar, which also houses a twitter feed, and recent last fm tracks and the authors current book reads.

Worth making a note of, just for the quality fo the theme alone! Content is a little sparse at present, as its just launched, but will be interesting to see how it matures and developes! It certainly shows a lot of promise, and is a very professional looking design by the blog owner, Edward Beauchamp. He is the guy who is also responsible for the design and build of wordpress based Opinel knives shop,

Have a look at 3 things

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