Sunday 19 April 2009

Review of the Flex Enervive EMS electronic muscle toner

The new Flex Enervive® allows you to relax, revive, rejuvenate, tone and strengthen your muscles anytime, anywhere with the most effective medical-grade technology available.

Now you can experience the exact same muscle conditioning & rehabilitating treatments used by Professional Athletes, Physical Therapists, Sports Therapists, Chiropractors, and Massage Therapists in the Comfort of your Home. This type of sophisticated Electronic Muscle Stimulation (EMS) technology used to only be available to the public when receiving a professional treatment…but those days are over.

Based on a heritage of over 40 years experience in medical technology, Flex Enervive® is introducing a breakthrough in muscle toning, recovery and relaxation that you can now use whenever you desire at the push of a button.

Flex Enervive® contour abs is a portable, hands free, light weight, easy to use device that applies clinically proven EMS (Electrical muscle stimulation) technology designed and clinically proven to perform two important functions:

* Tone, tighten and strengthen body muscles fast, efficiently and thoroughly through a series of stimulated contraction & relaxation phases that emulate exercise. Olympians, professional athletes and health enthusiasts have been using EMS for years to help them achieve their goals. Use Flex Enervive to help you tone-up or maintain your current figure.

* Gently and safely repair, rejuvenate, and relax muscles. This is the same technology used by hundreds of thousands of physical therapists, chiropractors and sports therapists in hospitals and clinics worldwide. Use Flex Enervive to work out knots in your back or massage other sore muscles.

Now you can have an effective and convenient solution to muscle toning & strengthening AND/OR recovery & relaxation that you can use indefinitely for the same price as one or two visits to your health care professional.

Here's how it works:

Flex Enervive electronically generates deep, yet comfortable contractions that effectively firm, tone and strengthen all your muscles in the targeted area, all at once -- so you get a great workout in just 30 minutes a day. You place the Flex Enervive medical-grade Gel Pads on your desired body part: Abs, Biceps, Triceps, Butt, Backs of Thighs, Front of Thighs, Shoulders, Calves, Lower Back, and Upper Back. Signals from the Pads reach out to nerves where they are most concentrated.

These nerves branch out to reach all the muscles in that area (not just the area directly under the pads) causing them to relax and contract naturally, working all the muscles at the same time.

Clinical studies have proven that a 30 minute Flex Enervive session on your abs is equal to the same workout you would get by doing 500 sit ups! These same type of results carry-over for training your other body parts like the butt, backs and front of thighs, biceps, triceps, shoulders, and calves. Flex Enervive is also ideal to relieving the back, muscles and other chronic problems.

Whether you would like to tone-up various body parts OR repair/rejuvenate your muscles, the Flex Enervive® is right for you…

The Flex Enervive has been designed and clinically proven to exercise body muscles fast, efficiently & effectively through a series of stimulated contraction & relaxation phases. Flex Enervive® works by sending minute electrical impulses to the chosen muscles. These impulses emulate the exact same command your brain would send to the muscle in order to make it contract and relax during normal exercise. Flex Enervive can be used for toning, reshaping, and firming most body parts like the abs, pecs, biceps, triceps, shoulders, legs, and buttocks and it allows you to have an exercise program without needing to make time for a workout or trip to the gym.

Additionally it can supplement your regular workout program without needing to take up more time or add additional stress to your body. Flex Enervive is ideal for today’s hectic lifestyle; when time is limited and you can’t exercise, simply hook up to your Flex Enervive unit in the privacy of your home or office simultaneously catching up on paperwork, talking on the phone, watching TV, doing house choirs, surfing the net, walking the dog etc…

When to Use it:

* While Doing House Chores
* While Relaxing on the Couch
* While Watching Television
* While Using the Computer
* While Talking on The Phone
* Before Sleeping or After Waking Up
* After Using The Jacuzzi or Hot Tub
* Before or After Sports
* While Taking a Walk

Clinical studies have proven that a 30 minute Flex Enervive session on your abs is equal to the same workout you would get by doing 500 sit ups! These same type of results carry-over for training your other body parts like the biceps, triceps, shoulders, legs, calves, In addition to toning and strengthening, Flex Enervive is ideal to relieving the back, muscles, and other chronic problems.

The Flex Enervive® Package Includes:
The Flex Enervive Control Unit Offering 6 Different Programs, Gel Pads, a Carrying Case, and Detailed Instruction Manual. There is also currently a special offer where if you buy one you get a subscription to Maxim magazine for a year - FREE!

All Flex Enervive orders come with the manufacturers famous guarantee so you have nothing to lose by trying our awesome advancement in technology. Any order can be returned for a 100% refund within 60 days from the date you place your order. No questions asked!

There really is NO reason to delay trying a Flex Enervive muscle stimulator - click here to visit the official website and get yours today!

*This article kindly provided by The Ab Belt Review - leading ab toning belts reviewed and rated!

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